Friday, December 16, 2011

The Golden Age - An understanding 2

Coming back to the Golden Age - If the coming year is about moving into a Golden Age then what about all the apocalypse and destruction prophecies associated with 2012?

Lets understand this with the help of an example.
Lets say you have a house which is old and in dire need of renovation. Now when you do renovate the house, a lot of the old structure may have to be broken down in order to facilitate the renovations. Also there will be many old and useless things which do not go along with the new look of the house. Such things will be discarded or thrown out. Such actions are necessary without which your house will continue remaining old. So would you call this apocalyptic destruction or renovation for the new and better?

Look at the world around you - our economic, political, social, educational systems are extremely weak, corrupted and poor and leave a lot to be desired. Unless we bring drastic changes in all the 'systems' we live in, the Golden age cannot manifest. Changes, which most people fear as apocalyptic, will be needed to root out the old and bring in the new. These changes may  lead to loss of some lives and destruction's, but they also play an important role in cleansing our consciousness. The changes have already been happening, much before the feared 2012, in form of earthquakes, tsunami's, wars, terrorist attacks and hurricanes the world over. Look into the last decade and you will see how many of these calamities we have already undergone. We not only witnessed the death and destruction that took place in Japan, but in a way we lived it too through the sufferings of our fellow souls. Such events are like a wake up call to all humanity forcing it to examine its existence and actions.

Those who want to hold on to the imperfections of the 3D world  may view 2012 as some apocalypse. To those who look forward to ascending to their Higher selves, the same 2012 is a gateway to Paradise. Its all about how you choose to see it.

Another question in regards to this is - Will all of humanity ascend to the Fifth Dimension?

Fact is the opportunity is available to each soul present here on earth. It depends on the individual whether he / she takes it or not. At this stage majority people of the world are quite lost in the delusions of the third dimension and do not seem ready to make this necessary shift.

Let us understand it like this - Think of humanity living in the kali yuga like people living in the dark night. Because there is darkness around, most are unable to see the truth, unable to see the dirt and filth around them or even on them, but continue living in errors, evils and faults. Now if these people were told that something known as a bright sunlight is going to come upon them, not all may want to embrace this change, specially those who are too comfortable with the darkness of the night and the evils it permits.Many may look forward with relief to the coming dawn, but others not willing to face the bright rays may wish to hide in some dark cave to continue living the way they wish. There may also be many who although may wish to see the sunlight, may not be ready or able to bear the fierce, bright rays.

All souls who do not choose to be a part of this change will be given an opportunity to continue living in another 3 dimensional world like the earth. The wise have mentioned though, that the next such opportunity may be available to humanity only after a period of some 25000 yrs - a Mahayuga.

As we near the Golden Age many feel that the world is entering into more and more darkness instead of shedding light because they see more and more evil and corruption around them. This infact, is the sign of the coming new age. Fact is this evil and corruption always existed but couldn't be seen. As the first light of the new age dawns, it reveals these evils which were hidden in the kali age. And so we see revolutions around the world taking place against them, whether it is in Egypt or the Anna hazare movement in India, or the Wall street movement in the US.

In order for humanity to be a part of the Golden Age, not only must we be willing to give up our old baggage s of faults and errors that we have been living with all this time, but we must be willing to embrace the idea of living selflessly in love and cooperation with Mother earth, our fellow humans, plants and animals, and our souls.

So what will the Golden age be like?

Whereas one cannot use the 3rd dimensional mental faculties to perfectly gauge and measure life in the higher age, some aspects do make themselves clear.

Issac Tigrett said ' In the Golden Age, humanity will move from - I & ME  to US & WE.'  To live in I & Me is living in contraction, to live in US & WE is living in expansion. Think about it - if humanity at large does live in the US & WE consciousness, we may not need the police system or the military system or the Judicial system or even the banking system. No laws or rules constantly binding us. The one force we all will be answerable to is our own Conscience. That in itself is a drastic change from our current style of living.

The spiritual texts say that the outer world is a reflection of our inner world. The chaos and clutter we presently see without is a reflection of the collective stress and fear consciousness that humanity has within. If our innerworld evolves to pure levels where we dwell in the expansive US & WE state, the outer world too will reflect our inner beauty back to us by taking on a wondrous form that we have heard or read about in myths and fairy tales. It is also said that mind is the wielder of the muscles or the body. Our bodies too are expected to evolve to become almost diseaseless and perfect. Our DNA is to upgrade from the current 2 strands to 12 strand DNA. Greater abilities, which we currently consider paranormal or which only few people are blessed with, will become part of everyday living.

Master Duono, a Belgium mystic, described the coming times  in 1917 :

 “When we enter [the New Epoch], we will be as free as those who are our Advanced Brothers: the Angels, the Archangels, the Cherubim and the Seraphim..In that new age, everyone “will have such freedom as when God first gave it to them.” ...The inner wealth, the knowledge which a person possesses, will be available to all. Now you are provided with air, light and water. One day the bread too will be given to you like the air, the water and the light. …In the new Order, everything old will disappear and all things will be completely new. …Somebody may say, ‘When we are perfect, what will we do?’ -- We will then begin to live! 

So, if you are wondering - what should we do now to be part of this grand change? The answer simply may be to look within yourself and acknowledge and let go of all those traits, habits and other baggage s which you may have created to help you deal with or rather survive in this third dimensional world. Renounce your arrogance or over sensitivities, the fault findings or the self loathing, the superiority or inferiority complexes,  your grudges, hurts, judgements, fears, hatred or vengeance. Just as even one hair sticking out of a thread will prevent it from entering into the eye of the needle, so also any one of the 3 dimensional flaws will prevent our ascension. Let go of them all, for they have no place in the Golden Age.

Love all, serve all, Help ever, Hurt never.

The wise have said "The Golden age will dawn within us. We need not wait for 2012. If we give up our emotional baggage and clutter today we will find ourselves already living in the Golden Age. We are at the crossroad where numerous old issues reach their crisis point. All of these issues are specifically designed to help push us through, to bring us to the point of having a quantum breakthrough. The key is : dealing with your mind, which will tell you again and again that its difficult, impossible or that you are right to hold on to your pains and grudges. Beware of it and let go.."

A final thought.

This world is Maya or illusion. As such, the concept of the Golden Age is also part of this illusion. But it is an important part which enables us to peep through this illusion to help realise our reality. Our aim in life, is not just the Golden age. The true aim of every soul is Self Realisation.
In 2010 i met a highly evolved soul named Johnima, who shared something very important. He said that the time between now and the emergence of the Golden age is the most precious and best time to perform our sadhana (spiritual practices) for self realisation as all the effort put in now will yield immense returns. Once we enter the Golden age, our sadhana may not bear as many fruits as they did in the Kali age.
To understand this we may take the example of a gym. We go to the gym and work on heavy weights which cause us pain and stress, but then lead us to getting healthier and stronger muscles. Being in the kaliyuga was like going to such a gym as life in the Kali yuga was heavy. Because life in the Golden age will be 'light' we will be required to make more efforts spiritually to get the results that being in the kali age would have brought us.

We are on the brink of a change, and the little time we have left is precious. It is almost like the train waiting on the platform - ready to leave anytime, while some of us are half asleep on the station. We need to wake up and Now.

May God fill all lives with Love, Light and Laughter.


  @ copyright2011

The Golden Age - An understanding 1

Change is the only constant known to humanity. This change, in a way keeps us going, or rather evolving - preventing us from being stagnant. Every day we see this change as night changes to dawn, dawn to noon, noon to evening and night comes again. In the bigger picture we see summer turn to fall, fall to winter, winter to spring and the cycle continues.

In our current state of development we understand and accept changes pertaining to what we see daily or yearly. Perhaps that’s because our own lifespan of an average of 60 odd years, mentally permits us only that range. But there is a bigger concept of time known to most ancient cultures of the world. In Hindu science it is known as Yugas.

Just as we have 4 different seasons over the span of a year, which affect us on the physical level, in the larger picture of the Yugas too we have 4 different phases which affect us at our Consciousness level. So we have the darkest age called the Kali Yuga where mankind is almost completely out of touch with the divinity latent within and the dependence is absolutely on the 5 senses and ego/mind. A step higher is the Dwapara Yuga or the bronze age – here the intellect functions at a higher level to about approximately 25 – 50% of its capacity. Then comes the silver or Treta Yuga, where again we function at a much higher level – in about 50 – 75% of our capabilities. Finally we have the Golden Age, the Sat Yuga where we become the humans we were intended to be. Godlike. ( A  better understanding of the Yugas  and how and why do they affect our consciousness can be understood from the book  The Holy Science by Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri.)

Thus the concept of the Golden Age is not of a magical or mystical nature. It is a natural event.

Most of us have heard all kinds of stuff about 2012. Some don’t believe it, some accept it and the majority fear it. How is this 2012 related with the Golden Age? According to the mayan calendar and even the western astrology, when the earth enters 2012 it enters the Age of Aquarius, it enters the era of the Golden Age.

So what does that mean – come 2012 the world will suddenly become a paradise?

Nature always has a gradual way of transiting from one phase of time to another. Just as night dosent change to noon in a second, or winter dosent change into summer in a day, so also we will not just transit into the Golden age from our current dark age, merely in a years time.

When we think Pacific ocean we think of its deep waters. If we were to go to a beach in Hawai and dip our feet on the shores, technically we would be in the pacific ocean, although the real pacific ocean is miles away and miles deep then the ankle deep water we are standing in – nevertheless we are in the pacific ocean. So also 2012 is the beginning point of the Golden Age, and it is from here that we leave behind the old and embrace the new.

In our own solar system when the earth moves closer to the sun we get the summer season, and away from it we get the winter season. We know that the moon has a duel in earth around which it revolves, the earth has a duel in the sun around which it revolves, Similarly the sun has a duel in another star system in our galaxy around which it revolves along with our whole solar system. This star has its duel in the central sun of our galaxy. In the Hindu scripture this central sun is known also as the Seat of Brahma or the Vishnunabhi. ( The navel of Lord Vishnu )

Now when the sun along with its planets, while revolving around its duel, goes closest to this Central sun - we enter the Golden age. When we are the furthest away from it, we go in the Kali Yuga.( More details in ' The Holy Science' )

Whereas our sun emits light and heat, the Central sun emits light which is capable of elevating consciousness.

At this point it is necessary to understand the concept of Dimensions.

Dimensions are frequencies of existence more than spaces of existence is the best way i can describe it.

We know that everything around us is energy vibrating at different rates. So on the First dimension we have the Individual pranic energy and Mineral Kingdom. In the second we have the Plant kingdom. In the third dimension we have the Animal kingdom and our Human life. In the 4-5th dimensions we have Humans of a much higher evolution. The 6-10th dimensions have the Angelic and Ascended masters realms. The 11- 14th dimensions have Beings beyond our human comprehension.
Beyond the 14th dimension is God, the dimensionless Absolute.
This is a very basic understanding of the different dimensions, given here only to understand them in context to the Golden Age.

As the earth enters the Golden age, it will ascend from a 3rd dimensional place of existence to the 5th dimension. This provides a rare opportunity for us humans to evolve along with it. The wise say that it is for this reason that the earth is over populated with 7 billion souls most of who knowing of the coming opportunity came to earth from amongst the countless other souls who wished to be here too, to use this rare opportunity to evolve themselves. Some say that coming to earth at this point in time is like winning a lottery ticket.

If we look at the world around us, most seem to be in ignorance of these facts, which is to be expected as when we take on a human form our abilities to perceive truth becomes dense owing to our dependence solely on the limited senses and intellect. But as much as many souls don't recall this fact; there are very many who do. These souls are evolved enough to keep traces of memory within them in different proportions to help them know their purpose of coming on earth. Majority of these people embrace a spiritual life or principles early on in life. They are more spiritual beings then religious people. Some of them may not appear to act spiritual as conventionally understood but they live in the highest principles. Many of these souls know that they have incarnated not only to evolve along with the earth, but infact to help the process of earths ascension, by bringing light through their loving actions and right living. Such souls are broadly known as Lightworkers. Although they are fully human, many of them have memories of being from another life system in the universe like Pleadians, Venusians, Acturians etc. Many also are aware of their being from higher 5th, 6th, 7th dimensions.

I am aware of many such beings who not only remember who or where they were from in their past, but many also remember their roles on earth in previous lifetimes, even during the Mahabharata and Ramayana periods (Indian sacred texts).  I was made aware of myself being a lightworker and I know that many who read this are also such souls who have come to bring light on earth at this crucial time even though they have no recollection of this.

I am encouraged to add that none of us must use this to think higher or lower of themselves or others. The one fact is that every living, non living being has its roots in the One God and as such higher or lower dimension, lightworker or not - all are the same, all are Atma, all are love.



@ copyright 2011

3. The Lives we live

Imagine a person who comes to a new town for a job. He finds a rented house to live in. He works very hard, but spends all his time, effort and hard earned money in needlessly decorating and splurging on that rented house which he will have to vacate one day soon.

What would you call such a person? - Foolish?

Yet how different are we from him. We too live in a rented body, but we spend all our lives trying to cater to its demands and tastes, and waste this precious opportunity called life. 

Stop and observe this life you live.

We are too busy living life, running from one end to another.  Its been like this since we were born. As children we ran after toys and candies; as youth we run after our images, personalities, the opposite sex; as grown ups we chase work and family; once the family comes in place, our chase for money and necessities doubles, we then run around for our children, their education, their jobs, their marriages; till old age catches up - then we run after our health.  And one day when we least expect it, it all comes to a sudden end.  

To what end is such a life lived?
Why do we live?
What is life?
What power governs and controls the various forms of intelligence obviously present in nature?
What is this higher power or Who is God?
Who are you?

The Hindu scriptures refer to a power called Maya, an intelligent force that keeps us in a state of delusion. Using its allies of the mind and ego, maya keeps us in delusion by feeding us with desires and passions, chasing which we exhaust all our energies, all our lives; and thus forget seeking our truth.

Many people live under the notion that we live only once and so we ought to enjoy life, enjoy the freedom we have, and so they live a life pursuing pleasures thinking they wont be held accountable for what they do. 

If we just use common intelligence to gauge all life around us, we will find adequate proof that what we do, has consequences. In science it is stated as "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction." In spirituality it is known as the Law of karma "What you sow, so shall you reap." Every aspect of your life from the minutest to the biggest is a result of this karmic law from the past

This world is a spiritual gymnasium, a spiritual university. We think we live in freedom but we don't realise that we are imprisoned 24x7 by the demands of the body, imprisoned by our ceaseless thoughts, imprisoned by our desires,  imprisoned by food and water for which man even resorts to the worst kind of violence; imprisoned by air, water and sunlight without which we cannot survive, imprisoned by the atmosphere and gravity restricting our options to travel out anywhere. 

So how and why do we take life for granted?

Not all men do. Many are seeking answers. 

It is said that in the beginning of civilization, the wise men of the west and east began looking for answers. The wise men of the west were keen to understand the world without and so began looking outside of themselves - searching and analyzing nature around them. Thus they excelled in Science.

The wise men of the east sought to understand themselves first before they could understand the world, so they delved within themselves to search their mind and soul. Thus the east excelled in Spirituality.
Man is not just the body, he is also the mind and soul. As long as he pursues the needs of the body, neglecting the needs of the mind and soul, so long he will never be happy. The ideal formula to live life to the fullest then is to balance the teachings of the east and west and cater harmoniously to the body, mind and soul.

Many live lives like biological robots. That is an insult to our Divine nature. Some may ask “Is our nature really Divine? How do I know that?”  In the answer to that question lies the very secret of our cause of existence.

The purpose of our lives is not merely to indulge in senses and desires, but to understand our true reality as souls, as waves of the Divine Ocean; as children of God!

"We are not human beings seeking divine experience,
We are divine beings undergoing human experience."

: Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ah Life!!

I live,
am joy,
am sad,
am lost,
am found,
am high,
am low,
am cheap,
am heart,
am pauper,
am king,
am hungry,
am content,
am sleepless,
am evil,
am God...      
is there an actor greater than me?

I live,
in speed,
in slow,
in strength,
in weakness, 
in patience,
in timing,
in highs,
in lows,
through hurdles,
through obstacles,
in pain,
in stress,
in sweat,
in blood,
in victory,
in defeat....    
is there a sportsman greater than me?

I live,
i feel,
i cry,
i smile,
i love,
i hurt,
i sense,
i know,
i keep,
let go,
i see,
i bear,
i heal,
i die,
i am,
am not....      
is there a poet greater then me?

Ah life!

Ah living!

The next time you ask  'What do you do?'  be not surprised, if you hear me say ~

' i live!'

© Copyright 2011

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Tell me your name?
how old are you?
where do you come from?
and what do you do?

With these the world draws boundaries around me
tying and binding me to a claustrophobic personality

They don't see..
thats not who i am.
Tis but a camouflage,
by the world, for the world.

Naresh to me, is just a sound
i have been reacting to, all my life.

They ask me my age..
but what date of birth can eternity have?

I never felt i ever belonged,
not to my town, nor my school,
not my home, nor my room
nor to the himalayas, neither the earth,
neither skies nor the heavens..
For how can these hold the consciousness that I am.

Limit me not to this holy country, nor to the male form,
neither to this vedic religion, pure as it is,
.. and then shall remain the only truth..

I am nothing.
I am everything.
I am you.
I am all,
like the one image reflecting in a 100 pieces of mirror
I am..

© Copyright 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

2. On the Spiritual Path..

I sometimes wonder why many people don't take to spiritual truths deeply despite exploring and I find that most of them try to conform the truths they learn to their way of thinking and understanding. If they don't, people reject them.

One must have the same approach to spiritual truths as a scientist does in the field of science. A good scientist never makes judgment at the outset. Instead he goes in with a neutral view, keeping aside any likes or prejudices and  then explores, analyses and studies his subject. Only after such unbiased analysis, He gives his verdict. Should spiritual exploration be any different?

Neither can men say " i don't believe in this ". As a great sage said, the right approach to take is not whether you believe in it but rather - is this the Truth.  Because truth does not need the sanction of your belief. Truth remains truth whether you believe in it or not.

Religions may be different, but spirituality is the same. I believe that the point where all religious experiences become common is the point where spirituality begins.

Ignorance has made people see being spiritual either as a mode of relief from their stressed life or even as a matter of lifestyle. Unless spirituality is pursued for its own sake, you will never touch its mysterious depths which have ever delighted saints and seers.

Then there are those who believe that just as some people pursue a career in the field of science or arts or medicine; some people pursue religion or spirituality; that spirituality has nothing to do with them.

Fact is every person is on the spiritual path whether they know it or not, believe it or not. 
Every single person is seeking God.
God is pure Joy.
The worldly man seeks Him in the world,
The religious man seeks Him in temples, books and nature,
The spiritual man seeks Him within.

Eventually all will find Him.

The worldly man will become religious, the religious - Spiritual and the spiritual will become God!

Remember we are living in special times..

God Bless you..

Sunday, February 6, 2011

1. Who am I ?

As a child, i often thought,
for what purpose, was life brought,
Its days and nights, its lows and highs,
the where's, the when's, the how's, the why's.

This vast Universe, this little me,
a drop of water, the whole Sea.
The trees, the mountains, the stars, the sky,
Who is the Creator? and who am i?

These torturing thoughts, came day and night,
The answers i sought, no where in sight.
The men of the world, so called wise,
made mighty attempts, but left me in sighs.

The answers, i thought, with every breath,
would i find, before being swallowed by death?
In pain, i cried to the unknown Divine,
"O quench my thirst, with Thy wisdom wine."

The words of Jesus, wise and kind.
'Seek Thou and ye Shall find.'
Dark clouds of ignorance, were now to fly,
The sunlight of wisdom, was coming by.

That day of spring, i still recall,
The sun, the birds, the flowers tall,
smiled at me, as if to say..
'Rejoice Thou, This is the Day!'...


Perhaps an ideal way to start, for this is not just my intro, but the tone of what will be much written about in these pages. I mention myself only to state where i am coming from. 

I have no illusions of being special. Yet when i view my life detachedly, many would agree that i was different. I never mixed in, never had a feeling of belonging.. Most of all my thought patterns were very different from kids my age. I could never take life at face value, and always felt that there is something more to life than what seemed apparent, or what everyone seemed to be pursuing. My young mind often contemplated God, but i couldn't get to terms with Him. He just didnt seem to fit into the picture. So i was an atheist, even at the age of 12. Science seemed to hold a promise and only after i indulged in it, did i realize its absolute shortcomings.

These were frustrating times, but a necessity for my souls learning curve. I expressed the state of my life in the words above.

And thus began my journey. i write not as one who has found his goal, but as one who has begun his journey and has overcome many obstacles which, as i look behind, i see holding so many back.

I began sharing my experiences with a few. They told me they found it helpful and some urged me to blog. i wasn't sure, but then decided to do my bit. I have learned that just as being egoistic isn't spiritual, being humble to the point that you keep back the wisdom you've learned; is also unhealthy.

And so i write under the title "The Science and Adventure of God". The purpose is not just to speak of God, but also to throw light on those aspects of our thoughts and actions, which keep Him away from our understanding. 

As a Saint said  "God is simple, our minds are complex."

Dear Readers, i seek your blessings in this endeavour

Remember we are living in Special Times. God bless you always.

© Copyright Naresh 2011