Whatever it is that you fear, take your mind
away from it and leave it to God.
Have faith in Him. Much suffering is due simply to worry. Why suffer now when
the malady has not yet come? : Sri Paramahansa Yogananda
Have faith in Him. Much suffering is due simply to worry. Why suffer now when
the malady has not yet come? : Sri Paramahansa Yogananda
A few days back a friend was sharing with me her problems
and happened to mention her fear of the expansive desert region, near which she
stays. I was inspired to impress on her
that she needed to confront this fear and any other fears she knows she has, as
this is essential for her growth, especially in these times.
Later I wondered why I said that. In the following days I
got 3 different messages authenticating this very information.
An Ascended Master’s message said that unless we confront
and overcome our fears we will not be able to vibrate high enough to meet the
standards of the coming Golden Age. From two other sources I learned that these
fears being 3rd dimensional in nature must be left behind or
overcome for any inner progress to take place. They cannot be carried along
into the new age. They further advised that all those seeking Ascension during
this shift must resort to introspection and then root out any fear based issues
within us. This cannot be stressed enough!

When I looked within to see if I had any pending issues I
needed to take care of, I was reminded of certain occurrences during
my sadhana which sought my attention and needed to be healed.
Every now and then I go on retreats where a few of
us engage in spiritual practices for longer periods of time. I noticed that
most times when I am able to go deep within, I am confronted with troublesome issues
of the past which I had conveniently buried away. I wondered why these issues would emerge just
then when I was in a state of great peace. On one occasion one such issue got
to me and I felt like I had turned into a volcano of anger. Probably my inability
to deal with this fear and resorting to inner anger gave this fear the required
energy because unfortunately for me, a year later, this fear materialized out
of the blue, totally unexpectedly, making me face the lowest point of my life.
A few months back during another long meditation, about 4
hours into it, some other past fear-based issue emerged causing me great
distress. Thankfully this time divine understanding came along.
I was made to realize that because I had buried these
problems within the subconscious, every time I went deep into meditation I
would confront these problems which sought solutions without which I would not
be able/allowed to progress further.
I was made to realize that this is not a curse but could be a
boon. Unlike last time where I let my ego envelop me in anger; this time I should
look at the problem as an opportunity to raise myself higher and from that
state seek solution to the problem.
I was made to realize that it is a folly to think that to
solve the issue I would need to confront the person or situation causing it.
They have NOTHING to do with the issue. In truth I needed to confront myself as the issue is a part of my life because
my own karmas permitted it; there is a vital lesson hidden therein, which my soul
needs in order to learn and evolve. As such I must
take total responsibility and not feel like a victim, which is ego’s way of
escape. Loving acceptance is the first step towards healing.
I was made to realize that the problem need not materialize
at the physical level if I could mentally deal with it with a sense
of equanimity and loving understanding.
Yesterday I read something from a book called Inner
Experiences, which describes the wonderful states of an evolved soul by the
name Dolly Baile. Imagine my excitement when I read the following:
equal mindedness’. Baba (Her Guru and Inner guide) made her imagine all sorts
of good and bad things that could happen to her, happen to our family, house,
money etc. and see if and how she could handle it with equanimity.”
Here her Guru is helping her deal with life issues at a mental level! Exactly what I had felt within. The
moment I read this I began connecting the dots and was convinced that I was
meant to learn this lesson to help myself and perhaps others in the process. I
began writing this note so that the few out there (I know many may not resonate
with such information) could use this knowledge to their advantage.
“Look fear in the face, and it will cease to trouble you.” Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri.
Any fears
that come to capture our attention, wants either to take us in its fold, or
engage us in a fight of resistance. In either case it succeeds in taking our
peace of mind away. If we refuse to give in or engage in a fight, but in a
state of calm detachment confront, accept and lovingly bless the problem... we will find inner victory.
issues that cause us fears, anger, hurt, guilt, hatred, humiliation
etc are not so much a battle between you and a person or a situation; but is a
battle between your ego and your soul. The moment you are able to interpret
this and view the problem from the souls perspective of Oneness and Love, the doors of solutions effortlessly open up.
is a powerful tool that leads towards inner healing. This information I
received from the Source during the lowest point of my life that I have mentioned
above. To recall it briefly:
At a
time when I was overwhelmed by an inner avalanche of dark negative emotions
that threatened to eat all my sanity away, I found this gentle light within
asking me ‘to forgive’. I was indignant! How could I forgive someone who put
me in such a state? The gentle voice then said that ‘forgiveness was not for
that person, it was for my own benefit. What that person did was his own karma,
what I suffer is mine.. by forgiving I am saying that I am willing to let go in
peace this issue which I have caused.
Then and only then can healing begin.’
are certain fears which are deeply rooted and cannot be dealt with easily. To
those who are victims to such fears I strongly recommend the book ‘Cutting the
ties that bind’ by Phyllis Krystal.
Mrs. Krystal, a venerable lady of 96 shared that all the information within the book was received by her from inner guidance from a source she refers to as Higher Consciousness or High C, who also told her that ‘this is new knowledge for the new age’. This book contains very simple yet powerful symbols using which a variety of mental/emotional problems can be effectively dealt with. I myself practice these symbols and find them highly effective.
Mrs. Krystal, a venerable lady of 96 shared that all the information within the book was received by her from inner guidance from a source she refers to as Higher Consciousness or High C, who also told her that ‘this is new knowledge for the new age’. This book contains very simple yet powerful symbols using which a variety of mental/emotional problems can be effectively dealt with. I myself practice these symbols and find them highly effective.
simple tool is the Ho’ponopono technique of Hawai as introduced in the book
Zero Limits. The book shares that
because the world we see and experience is created by us through our personal
perspective, something which the Vedas endorse “Yatha drishti, tatha Shristi”
‘as is your view so is the world you see’; we must also accept and take responsibility
for all the fears we experience. The solution to these problems, it explains,
is in 4 very simple steps. Tell yourself:
1. I
am sorry (taking ownership of the problem that comes to your awareness and thus
apologizing for it.)
2. Forgive me
3. I love you (this is the highest tool to seek healing for the problem. Lack of self love is the root cause of all problems)
4. Thank you
2. Forgive me
3. I love you (this is the highest tool to seek healing for the problem. Lack of self love is the root cause of all problems)
4. Thank you
try this and you will be surprised how powerful these simple steps are.
I hope
those who resonate with this message will make every effort to, first
introspect, then identify any fear that you have buried within, and finally
deal with such fears by confronting them with Love. Remember this subconscious
‘cleansing’ is an important exercise which can prepare you for the coming times
of Ascension into the Golden Age.
SAI RAM! I just stumbled upon your blog today and I believe Swami led me here.
ReplyDeleteAhh-mazing topics you tackle and this one holds very dearly to me. You write so practically and dig deep in a very understandable manner, because you write from pure experience and love.
Thank you so much and keep going. You are answering many vital questions that haunt many of us. Swami indeed writes through you! \m/
Thank you very very much.
DeleteLoving Sairam
I have read and reread this article so many times especially when I have to face my fears. Thank you for this wonderful service.
ReplyDeleteEnjoying your blog..after i heard you on Souljourns and read your experience at Mohans world...thank you...
ReplyDeleteThank you for beautiful post. Very helpful in the insights it provided. Keep writing such posts to spread good knowledge.
ReplyDeleteAh, this is all well and good. But as a woman living in India, in in a constant state of fear of sexual abuse. Everything I want to do, everywhere I want to go, the way I want to behave, what I wear, how I walk... Everything is restricted by this fear. And mind you, this isn't irrational or exaggerated. Could you suggest something that can help me at least reduce this fear? I'm sick of living with it. Thank you
DeleteFirstly, I am sorry to know this. A friend from Germany recently posted something similar to your comments on her Facebook. Your fears are well founded and are perhaps there to keep you alert to the evil possibilities that exist around you. In my opinion such fears have to be acted upon in practical ways. You can carry some protective items like a pepper spray, perhaps learn techniques from a self defense class and channel your fear into empowerment. You can also change your place of dwelling to be around people where you feel safer. While these practical steps are taken, it helps to step back and observe the situation dispassionately without any fear and see what teachings life is giving you through these current set of experiences. When I am in positions of fear, I do the same and ask myself if this is life making me aware of some karmic consequence. Did I put anyone through such fears ever? Such thinking is solely to take full charge of the situation and also using the situation to enlighten myself in ways.
You mention being sick of living it - perhaps it is a sign life is giving you to take you elsewhere where you will feel safer.
Stay safe & Best Wishes
Hi, thank you for replying :)
ReplyDeleteYou know when you mention thinking of the situation from a karmic point of view - like did i ever put anyone through such fears - is difficult in cases of fear of sexual assaults. If I develop such a way of thinking in this regard, I'll end up doing the worse thing possible - blaming myself for a crime someone else committed, esp where I was the victim. These crimes can be something as everyday thing as getting groped or seen at leeringly. And I can assure you, as a woman commuting the length of Mumbai for work, this is an everyday occurrence.
I'm only trying to explain to you how deep-rooted this great is, because of everyday harassment in some form of other. It's not always a situation warranting a pepper spray, although, like every modern woman in the city, I do carry one in my purse.
So yes, I would really appreciate some help with a way to reduce this constant fear. Thank you for your help :)
Hello Again,
Deletesorry for the late reply. Many of your points I can relate with. Also the karmic persecutive is not to bring yourself to a state of acceptance of your fears but a way of overcoming and defeating the fear they produce. You can connect with me on - da.yogi@gmail.com , for any further discussion or remedies possible, as I am able to reply on mail more easily. God Bless you Always!