After returning from Chitrakoot with his brother Rama's
sandals, Bharata handed over the administration of the kingdom to his
able brother Shatrughan and himself retired to nandigram in a small hut
to live the rest of the 14 years like an ascetic, like Sri Rama, Sita
and Laxmana were doing.
Bharata had no mind for anything.
He no longer cared for his mothers, wife, the citizens of Ayodhya, the
Kingdom.. He did not even care about himself, his food, even His breath.
His only thought was of Rama. Day and night, every moment of His were
spend in contemplation of His dear Brother.
As time passed
Bharat was soon reduced to a skeleton state, his ribs showing, his eyes
sunk. Time seem to pass ever so slow.
Yet for every dark night, there must be a dawn. Hours, days, weeks, months and years past by..
Shatrughan with his
ministers rushed to his brother to tell him the good news that Sri Rama
along with Sita and Laxmana had returned and had alighted close to the ganges on the
outskirts of the kingdom in the pushpa vimana.
mentions that as soon as he heard the news of Sri Rama's arrival, Bharata in sheer inner joy, instantly bloomed like a flower. His body gained strength and luster.
He face shown like a sun and sweet fragnance began emitting from him.
Bharata asked for the finest chariot
and all regal clothing to be brought immediately. He asked the
charioteer to hand over the reins to him as he wanted to be the
charioteer to bring Rama home.
It was a sight to behold when all brothers met. The earth was filled with joy and there was not a dry eye.
citizens of Ayodhya were filled with joyous expectations at their
beloved kings return. Flags and festoons pleasing to the eyes were hung
every where. The roads of the city were washed with rose water;
artistically pleasing floral and colorful decorations and patterns were
made all along. The people in their finest clothing stood crowded at
every street from where the chariot would pass. Not an inch of space
And then the blessed moment came as Bharata led the
chariot carrying Rama, Sita and Laxmana, entered the city. Shatrughana,
Hanuman, Sugriva, Anga and the other Vananra heros followed along
beholding the facinating scenes. Ayodhya looked like heaven, that even
the Gods envied.
Joyous cries echoed in the air as the
citizens expressed their joy. Flowers and scented waters were thrown and
sprinkled from all around. Auspicious vedic hyms were chanted. Thousand's of
arti's were waved at the procession to bring auspiciousness to the
procession. Boundless joy filled the air.
But Bharata
noticed something very strange.
To his amazement he noticed that the
citizens instead of showering flowers on Sri Rama, Sita and Laxman were
showering them at him. All eyes were on him.. Aarti's were being waved at
him. Bharata was greatly embrassed and gently pleaded with the citizens
asking them to do the honors to Sri Rama, but his voice was lost in the
din of the atmosphere. Sri Rama, Sita and Laxman were greatly enjoying
this and Bharata's obvious discomfort. Bharata was at a loss, he didn't
understand what was happening and why the citizens were behaving this
way. But Sri Rama knew it all..

There is nothing surprising about this. If a
piece of iron is kept long enough next to a magnet, the iron piece will
too become magnetic. Human thoughts are a thousand times more powerful then
magnetic energy. Having one-pointedly thought of Rama, Bharata too took
on His form.
Isnt this why we do Namasmaranam / Japa? By
constantly chanting a divine name, not just in sound, but with heart and
mind we take on qualities of that divine aspect. Meditation is the
same. A person tries to know God by one pointedly thinking of Him, and
once he knows Him, then as the vedic saying goes : He who knows Brahma
becomes Brahma. The point where God and bhakta become One that is known
as Samadhi.
May we all become Rama like.
Have heard about Bharta n Rama luking same.. But, the story of coming on chariot, Bharta's confusion, read it for the first time :-) .. Enjoyed it :-)