Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Sri Sathya Sai and the Golden Age

In early days, when there were not so many of us gathering at His feet, I have heard Him say, “The Golden Age will begin before I leave this body.” He has said it since and He has said several times that the new world will be ushered in before He leaves His present body. He has said it in a quiet casual voice, as if it was nothing at all. But it is in this manner that He makes all world-shattering announcements. He did not say what year that this great change of the world would take place only that it would be in the first two decades of this 21st century the beginning of the new millennium.

There are many, many workers on what the late Sir George Trevelyan used to call ‘The Forcefield of Light’ helping the great living Avatar in His work of changing the old world into the new. Among these many first grade assistants to Almighty God are two of those called Ascended Masters. These two are Ascended Master Kuthumi and Ascended Master El Morya. In the book entitled “The Light Shall Set You Free”, they have made two statements of interest that I give you here. One is ‘Avatar Sai Baba is carrying the Christ Consciousness in the world today.’ The Christ Consciousness means of course the same as the Krishna Consciousness or the Divine Consciousness in man. The other statement they make is that ‘The Golden Age would begin in 2011 or 2012′. It is explained in other parts of this same book and in other spiritual books that by the year 2011, due to the work of Sai Baba and His Helpers in the Light, a sufficient number of human beings will have raised their consciousness to create what they call ‘the critical mass’ that will bring about a quantum leap in the consciousness of all mankind to bring us into the fifth dimension from the third dimension in which we are now. And as man’s consciousness creates the world in which he lives, the Golden Age or the new Sathya Yuga will begin. Any stragglers will be brought up to the fifth dimensional level by Prema Sai (Sai Baba’s next incarnation). And, so it may seem, in the new century the members of the human race, who have suffered hell itself in the last century, will find themselves back in the metaphorical Garden of Eden talking and walking with God.

Reference:: “The Lights of Home” by Howard Murphet

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