Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Origin of Shambala and the Seven rays

The following fascinating account was related by the Rishiworker Sri Ambarishi in Amaravani.

This event took place approximately one hundred and twenty two million years ago, when the Chakshusha Manavantara period or the 6th hour of Brahma came to a close there was a great deluge. The earth was covered with water. The mountain loka alone was unaffected by this pralaya.

Blessed with an eternal life, Maharishi Markandeya survived this pralaya. As the water did not recede over a period of ten thousand years, the rishi decided to go around the earth in search of any living being that might have survived the deluge.

On day during his search, he was surprised to find a blue baby floating on a leaf in the waters. He went near the baby and discovered from certain indications and marks on its body that the little child was none other then Mahavishnu. The Rishi praised and prayed to the Lord and Sri Vishnu appeared before him in His divine cosmic form. The Lord told him that the waters would soon recede and land would appear in that place again. He told the Rishi that the place should be occupied by Rishis in the future and to see that certain selected people of earth are allowed to enter that place so they conform to the rules and conditions of this divine place. So blessing the Rishi, the Lord departed.

Very soon land appeared. Markendaya Maharishi called it SHYAMA (Blue) BALA (Baby) Dweepa (Island). As more land appeared this Shyambala was no longer a dweepa or island. The adjoining land was named Gopi Shyama (Modern day Gobi desert). Soon more land appeared and newer civilisations were created.

This city was occupied by ancient rishis, Sanaka sananda Maharishis,  Sapta Rishis, Avatara purushas and by certain chosen people of the earth, who wished to lead a divine life. As time passed and the ages of Treta, Dwapara and Kali appeared, this city remained invisible and inaccessible to people who carried worldly impurities within. Life in Shambala is heaven on earth bestowing good health, permanent peace, bliss and everlasting life on residents.

The landscape and the approaches to this place change according to the karma of the person approaching it. Sometimes it seems as if surrounded by great desert regions, sometimes it appears to be situated amidst beautiful snow mountains where the cave like entry to this realm is guarded by adominable snowmen of the himalayas known as the Yetis. Sometimes a traveller may know Shambala to be situated amidst a vast sheet of water infested by ferocious seas creatures protecting any approach towards the Divine city. But is case of most earthly beings the City is invisible.

The Indwellers of Shambala live on certain principles . They are -
1. Bliss
2. Divine Love
3. Divine Understanding.
4. Practice of sacred principles and manners in mind, word, and action.
5. Secretness and Sacredness.
6. Oneness
7. Setting and acheiving of Divine goals.

Will this Divine City always remain mystical?

Aeons ago, at a distance of nearly 10,000 light years from our Solar system in our galaxy, the Rishis had caused the Seven Divine flares. These flares are equal to Shahsrakoti Surya Prakasha (Million suns effulgence). These Divine rays are on the verge of reaching earth. As the energy of these rays enter the earth during the Satyuga they will cleanse the various two way channels in the five koshas (subtle bodies)  and open a great numer of dormant brain cells, close some unwanted brain cells, wash out certain karmas of beings and reinitiate the junk DNA.  With this mystical cities such as Shambala will become visible and accessible to all persons purified in body, mind and intellect.

The Rishi-worker : Amaravani

We are living in interesting times. Never before have so many believed in the existence of the mystical realms or acknowledged the existence of a variety of interdimensional beings on earth and beyond, as now. 
We are aware of the concept of Lightworkers. In this note we share information about the Rishi workers, in the words of someone who Himself is one!

The Sapta Rishis play an extremely vital role in the vast complex operation of man's descent from his origin to his final return to the Divine source. This task is truly herculean since souls once land on earth follow a variety of interests in their sojourn of a billion years. To help them in their work, the Rishis use workers, who may be embodied on earth at the time.

The Rishis select a few among the people who have very less residue on their mind sheaths (Manomaya Kosha) and so are pure enough to sense their presence.  These workers are in two batches of 144000 in number all over the world. The Rishis gave these workers thorough training through meditation and opening certain brain cells, which made these workers receptive at all hours to any command that may come from the Rishis. The precondition being that these workers do nothing on their own and remain as perfect tools to be used by the Rishis. The life of such a worker is one of total sacrifice and surrender to the Rishis.

One such worker was Sri Ambarisha (1919 - 1982). At the age of 12 while undergoing an operation, he had an overdose of anesthesia and remained unconscious for long. During this period Ambarisha left his physical body and was able to see his form lying in the operation room.

He heard some strange music inviting his attention. At first he felt that the music was coming from the moon, so he rushed there, but not able to trace it he went further towards the sun passing venus and mercury on the way. He entered the sun disc (27000 miles thick, 16 million degrees centigrade) and saw inside the sun sphere an earth like celestial body encompassed by space appearing like sky. There was no night but continuous day due to the light being emitted by the sun from all sides. He reached that body and went towards the central city established on it. In that city he saw a magnificent palace. Upon entering the palace he saw in the center seated on the throne was Lord Suryanarayana with Chhaya devi and Sougnya devi on either side surrounded by Ashta dikpalakas and Rishis. He went ahead and prostrated to the SunGod.

As he stood he felt a touch on his shoulder. Upon turning he found and recognised a person who was his friend in some life. He was then escorted to a camp site where in one of the tents he saw the Sapta Rishis (Seven Rishis) and a tall Rishi on the side. The tall Rishi (who he later learned was Brahmarishi Vishwamitra) asked him the reason of his visit and that perhaps he should return to his place of origin. Ambarisha replied that he felt like staying but would return on the condition that they promised to visit him on earth. The Rishi agreed and Ambarisha returned back, re-entering his body on earth in the operating room where four hours had elapsed. Ambarisha then spend his days expecting the divine visitors from Suryaloka.

On a full moon night he was lying on his cot looking at the moon when he saw a red ball of light sail into his room. A voice emerged from the light saying 'I have come as promised, be prepared to see me.'  So saying Brahmarishi Vishwamitra materialised but in a 72 feet tall body.  Ambarisha the 12 year old was shocked and so the Rishi reduced his form to a normal size and sat on a chair. He spoke for a while and said that he would come everyday and then dematerialised.

In this way the Rishi would appear frequently and train the boy sometimes taking him along astrally. Finally one day he took the boy to Mt Everest and pointing to the moon the Rishi asked him if he could go to it and come back. Ambarisha did so. Then the Rishi took him to a cave in Mount Kailash where the Sapta Rishis were seated and introduced Ambarisha as a new worker.

Sri Ambarisha shares that the Rishis are taking an active interest in these enlightening times of change on earth and are ever helping all souls who are making efforts towards Ascending into the new age.

"The Rishis do not look at your faults. They see your response to their call. They see whether you are ready for the change or not."

Extracts from Amaravani.

I vs We : 4 Heros from the Mahabharata.

Recently at a retreat a monk spoke about living a Balanced life. Althrough the days of the retreat, he had spoken to many sincere souls who wanted to do sadhana but did not have the time to do it owing to their busy lives in Mumbai. The monk thought it apt to touch upon this subject.

While mentioning the various aspects of life we need to balance, he touched upon a particular aspect : Balancing personal goals vs collective goals or goals for the higher good of a community. To express his point he cited 4 characters from the Mahabharata in whose lives the balance of this particular aspect played a deciding role. I found his observation extremely interesting since I love the Mahabharata and its characters.

Bhishma :

This venerable and revered old warrior, the grandsire of the two sides at war, found himself in an odd
position. His sympathies were with the Pandavas but he fought on the side of Kauravas owing to his pledge to serve Hastinapur.
However Bhishma when seen from the spiritual perspective represents the Spiritual ego - One which never dies on its own, one which is hard to kill, one which wishes to serve good but unknown to it, ends up serving the bad.

From spiritual perspective, Bhishma fought neither for the Pandavas nor for the Kauravas. He fought for Himself and His personal pledge. Had he been fighting for the kauravas whole heartedly, he could have easily killed some of the key pandav brothers upon confrontation, but he was loathe to doing so and moved on focusing on the rest of the army.

The monk mentioned that this was a typical case of serving the personal goal as against doing that which was for the higher good.  Bhishma knew that even if his side won, it wouldn’t be in the best interest of Hastinapur. Yet he kept going just to uphold his pledge that he had taken even at the cost of the pandavas who he knew were righteous and the kingdom who he was suppose to serve.

Yudhishtir :

The error of Bhishma can be better understood by comparing him to this noble character. Yudhishtir was called Dharamaraja – the upholder of Dharma or righteousness. He was said to be loved by all and had no enemies. Even Duryodhana held nothing personally against him. His love for truth was such that his was the only chariot in the whole battlefield which was levitating 4 inches above the ground owing to his righteous character.  To serve Dharma was Yudhishtir's highest personal goal.

During the battle as Acharya Drona was wreaking havoc by slaying the Pandav army by the 1000’s, Sri Krishna observed that it was impossible to stop the acharya except by killing him even by unrighteous means. Drona's love for his son was well known.  Sri Krishna plotted that a certain elephant by the same name as his son be slayed and word be spread in the battlefield that Ashwathama his son has been killed.

The battle of Mahabharata had over 4 million soldiers fighting over several kilometers of space. In the din of battle it was difficult to ascertain any news. When the news of Ashwathama's death was declared by Bhima ( who had slayed the elephant ) Drona couldn’t believe it , simply because his son too was a matchless warrior. Yet his heart sank. The only way to confirm the news was to ask the righteous Yudhishtir, who as King would be informed of the truth and Yudhishtir would never lie. Sri Krishna was counting on this.

Thus it was that Yudhistir found himself between a decision of his personal love for truth and a lie which would serve the higher good of the righteous side.  Yudhistir choose the latter. He choose to lie and take upon himself the burden of untruth and in doing so knowing that he was serving the good of the Righteous.
Many may have differing opinions over the above two cases.. but then such is the beauty of the Mahabharata that each perspective is valid and wisdom-giving in its own way.

Karna :

The wronged warrior, the tragic hero, the underdog.
Karna is a character very easy to love and sympathies with. Born in a royal family, off a divine source yet he lived his life fighting for himself and upholding his respect.  Given up by his mother, cursed by his Guru; Karna spend his whole life wanting to prove himself. And the only way he could do that was to be given an opportunity to fight the famed Pandav archer Arjuna.

He found an ally in Duryodhana , who offered Karna his friendship knowing well that here was the answer to Arjunas prowess should there ever be a war. Karna was a matchless archer born with Divine armor that made him invincible.

Yet Karna in many ways was a mixture of opposites. For all the good he had in him – his friendship, valour, generosity .. yet he was at fault of siding the wrong in view of his indebtedness to Duryodhana. Karna knew well that it was purely upon his strength that Duryodhana dared the faultless pandavs. It was in his presence that the pure and faultless Draupadi was dragged into and stripped in the court, yet Karna choose to hold on to his personal vow of loyalty as against speaking upto his friend and showing him the right way.

But there are other surprising factors. Karna's loyalty to Duryodhan is also questioned by the wise. Knowing well that the Indra had come to take away his armor in alms that would severely weaken him in the battle and despite the warning of his father the Sun God, Karna gave away his armor choosing to again uphold his personal vow of charity as against the good of the army and friend who were depending on his invincibility. He also disregarded this loyalty by promising his mother that he would not kill any Pandav other than Arjun.

Further spiritual scholars say that in a way the war began with Karna and could have also ended with him, on 2 occasions. Firstly when Sri Krishna revealed to Him his origins as the eldest pandav, Karna could have reveled the same to Duryodhana who he knew would be delighted, but he also knew that in his indebtedness he would offer the pandav kingdom, now his as the eldest pandav, to Duryodhana and that would be unfair to the pandavs because he too knew that the pandavs were fighting for the right cause.

Secondly during the battle, Karna had the opportunity of finishing the war once and for all. Having defeated  Yudhistir in a personal fight, he could have done what Drona had been wanting all along – to take Yudhistir hostage as that would end the war immediately. However Karna let go and deprived his friend Duryodhana of victory and also gave himself a chance to fulfill his lifelong dream of fighting Arjuna and proving once and for all that he was a better warrior. This dream was fulfilled when he fought Arjuna and despite his death, King Shalya who witnessed the fight declared Karna to be a better warrior of the two.

Sri Krishna –

Lord Krishna  was an ideal example of some one who gave preference to the good for all as against His own good. Despite taking a personal vow of not wielding weapons during the war, Sri Krishna almost broke the vow twice to personally slay Bhishma who was proving unstoppable and in order to inspire Arjuna.  He singlehandedly bore the brunt and infamy of all the war wrongs committed from the Pandav side in form of the 2 curses he received after the war. Yet Sri Krishna ever gave preference to what was good for all even at the cost of His own good.

Little wonder that Bhishma and Karna found themselves in the wrong and losing side and Sri Krishna and Yudhishtir found them selves in the winning side.

Our Eternal Swami

I remember a time when if we had any problems, the solution would be a bus ride away. We would reach Brindavan or Prashanti Nilayam and sit in darshans. Swami would come and in His own sweet, unique way invariably solve our problems.

I dont have to give examples, each one reading this note will have plenty of them in their own lives.

But then, unexpectedly Swami left His form. Despite being aware of His infinite nature, somewhere deep within we all wondered - What now? The form had become His Formless Self, but most of us remained the same. We continued to live in this world, filled with problems, challenges and troubles. Where would we go now?

Perhaps Uncle and Aunty thought the same. Uncle has been the Convener of our samiti for many years now. He served as an Air marshal in the Indian Air force and after retirement became an active seva dal member. Aunty, a teacher, also was ever actively involved in samiti matters.

This time when i returned home i learnt the sad news that uncle had serious kidney problems for which he needed constant dialysis and aunty too had been diagnosed with cancer. The option of taking the bus ride to meet the Divine Form was no more.

Today, after our Thursday Bhajans Sri Sai Deepak, a devotee shared some incidents.

About 2 weeks back he had received Swami's robe through a friend. A couple of days back Swami inwardly asked him to take the robe to a certain devotees house where many manifestations happen.

Sri Deepak called them, took time and went there with Swami's robe.
They asked him to place the robe near Swami's picture. Deepak said that he had to spread the robe. They got a sheet and spread it upon which the robe was spread.

After some time they generally stepped out of the house to have a cup of coffee.. About 15 mins later  when they returned back and opened the door, they saw this :

The robe had been sprinkled with vibhuti.. but what was more amazing was that the left arm of the robe had been moved ( see vibhuti fingerprints on the left arm ) as well as the left hem of the robe!

Ring a bell?

Whenever Swami wanted to bless someone with padnamaskar, He would lift a bit of His robe to offer His feet for the namaskar. And thats what we see here. Whats more.. Swami has even written His blessings on the robe :

With Love, Baba

Everyone who witnessed this was overjoyed. Sri Deepak folded the robe keeping the vibhuti inside it and went home. But the grace dosen't end there..

The following morning while Sri Deepak was taking a shower, he heard clear instructions from Swami telling Him that the vibhuti was for ......... & his wife ( Uncle and Aunty ). Sri Deepak then told us that he called up Uncles house and Aunty picked up the phone. This Aunty is one of the most liveliest persons i have met. But Sri Deepak shared that as he spoke with her, he received a very lifeless and muted response, until he told her that Swami had told him to give the vibhuti to the ailing couple. Thats when Aunty burst out crying.. She sobbed, emptying her hearts anguish in wake of this Divine Grace from the One, who reached out to His children from what seems to us as the beyond.

After Bhajan, the robe was spread before us and i got the privileged task of collecting the vibhuti from the robe. As Uncle received this Divine gift we could see the deep emotional gratitude on His face.. and each one of us gathered there felt blessed to be a witness of this Divine Grace..

Seemed to me as if Swami was telling us : " Why fear when I am here!" .
And HE IS here!   .. sisters and brothers...

Are we Alone? - Child from Mars

The first time I heard about the unusual boy named Boriska was from stories of the participants of an expedition to the north of Volgograd Province.

“Imagine, when everyone was sitting around the bonfire in the evening, this little boy, about seven years old, suddenly and loudly demanded silence: he was going to tell us about the inhabitants of Mars and about their trips to Earth," said one of the witnesses who shared his impressions. "Well, someone was still chatting in a low voice, and then the boy
strictly demanded our full attention, or else 'there would be no story'."

And so the other conversations died off. And this is why: the round-faced child with the big eyes, in a summer T-shirt and a cool baseball cap, completely unafraid of the adults, began an unbelievable story—about the Martian civilisation, about megalith-cities and Martian spaceships, about flights to other planets, and about the country of Lemuria on Earth, the life of which he knew about personally, having at some point flown here from Mars to this huge continent in the middle of the ocean and where he had friends…

Many were shocked at two things. First, the unusual knowledge that a seven-year-old should not have had, and, second, the speech of Boriska was not at the level of a child in the first grade. He used such terminology, details and facts from the pasts of Mars and the Earth that everyone was impressed. Only from the emotional outbursts could you tell that this proper and sensible speech was from a child.

"Why did Boriska talk like this?" wondered my interlocutor. "Apparently, he was provoked by his surroundings at the expedition camp. Here were gathered interested people with open minds, pursuing the solutions of the many secrets of Earth and the cosmos, and Boris, listening to the day of conversations, expostulated in his speech what had long been in his memory."

"Could he have made it all up? Watched all the Star Wars movies and started to make up stories?"

"It seems not. This did not sound like a fantasy," argued my colleague. "More like it was the memory of the past, memories from his past reincarnations. These sorts of details can't be imagined; they must be personally known."

The words about the memories of past reincarnations decided everything: I understood that I had to meet Boriska. Now, after meeting with him and his parents, I am trying to put everything together in order to understand the mystery of the birth of this young being.

Boriska's Mother's Recollections

Boriska appeared in the world in the city of Volzhk, in a provincial maternity hospital. His birthdate is 11 January 1996 at 8.30 am.

His parents are good and kind people. Nadezhda Kipryanovich, Boris's mother, is a dermatologist in a city clinic and graduated from the Volgograd Medical Institute in 1991. His father, Yuri Tovstenev, is a retired officer, in his time a graduate of the Kamishinsky Higher Military Institute, and now works as a construction supervisor. They themselves would be happy if someone could help them solve the mysterious phenomenon of their son, but for now they watch their miracle with curiosity.

"When Boriska was born, I noticed that at 15 days old he already held his head up," recalls Nadezhda. "His first word, baba ("grandmother"), he said at four months old and from then on you could say that he started to talk. He made his first sentence at seven months with the words "I want a nail"—he'd seen a nail in the wall—although generally children start speaking much later. The most remarkable of his intellectual abilities were beyond the physical."

"How did they manifest?"

"When Boris was a year old, I started giving him letters following the Nikitin system and, if you can imagine, at a year and a half he could already read heavy newspaper type. He learned to recognise colours in a variety of hues  early and easily. At two years old he began drawing, and at two and a half he could paint. He could draw in different hues."

Boris went to day care after he turned two. All of the caregivers said that he was very gifted with languages and had unusual brain development. They noticed that he had a phenomenal memory. However, his parents noticed that the way their son gathered knowledge was not only through observing his surroundings but, it would seem, from other sources: he picked up information somehow from nowhere!

"No one taught him," remembers Nadezhda, "but he somehow got into the habit of sitting in the lotus position—and just listen to him! He cast such pearls and details about Mars, about the planetary systems and other civilisations that it amazed us. But how could the child know all of this? Space and the cosmic subjects in his stories—these were the constant topics from when he was two."

Mars, Indigo Children and Planetary Catastrophes

Boriska announced that he used to live on Mars and that the planet was habitable but it had survived the worst catastrophe in its history—the loss of its atmosphere—and now a few remaining inhabitants live in underground cities. At that time, he often flew to the Earth on trade and scientific research missions. It would seem that he himself had been a pilot of a space vessel. This was at the time of the Lemurian civilisation, and he had a Lemurian friend who died before his eyes.

"A huge catastrophe happened on Earth, where mountains exploded and a great continent broke apart and sank under the water, and all of a sudden a huge stone fell on the building where my friend was," reported Boriska. "I couldn't save him. And now on Earth we should meet again..."

Boriska sees the whole picture of the destruction of Lemuria as if it just happened, and he suffers about the death of an Earthling as if he himself was guilty of causing it.

Once he saw a book which his mother had brought, Where Do We Come From? by Ernst Muldashev. You needed to see the effect this had on the little boy. He looked at the drawings of Lemurians, the photographs of the Tibetan pagodas, and two hours later he could talk in detail about the Lemurian race and at a high level about their discoveries.

"But Lemuria was destroyed at least 800,000 years ago," I said carefully, "and the  Lemurians were more than nine metres tall— and yet somehow you remember all of this?" "Yes, I remember; certainly no one told me about it," replied Boris.

Another time he began to remember a lot after  seeing the illustrations in a second book by Muldashev, In Search of the City of Gods, about burial chambers and the pyramids. He said that they would find knowledge not under the Pyramid of Cheops but under a different one. But they have not found it yet. "Life will change when they open the Sphinx," he said, and added that the Sphinx will open somewhere behind the ear but he can't remember exactly where.

He talks engagingly, when the inspiration comes, about the Mayan civilisation, feeling that people do not know very much about that fascinating people. But the most striking thing is that Boriska thinks that now on Earth is the time when special children are being born because of some great changes to come to the planet and because new knowledge will be needed beyond the Earthling mentality.

"How do you know about these gifted children, and why is it happening?" I asked him during our meeting. "Do you know that they are being called 'Indigo children'?"

"I know that they are being born, but haven't met any in our city. But, maybe Julia Petrova: she believes me, which means that she feels something. The others usually laugh when I tell stories. On Earth, something is going to happen — therefore these children are being born. They have to help people. The poles will switch."

"You aren't afraid of this, even though it may affect your life as well?"

"No, I'm not afraid: we live forever. There was a catastrophe on Mars, where I lived before. They were the same people as us, but there was a nuclear war and everything burned. Some people survived and houses were built and new weapons. There was also a change of continents there. However, that continent was not large.

"Martians breathe air which is mostly carbon dioxide. If they came to our planet, they would always stay near smoke stacks."

"And you, if you are from Mars, can easily breathe our air or do you need carbon dioxide?"

"Once you find yourself in this Earthly body, then you breathe this air. But we hate Earth's air, because from your air comes ageing. There, on Mars, people are forever young, around 30–35, and there are no old people. With every year these children from Mars will be born more and more on Earth. In our city there will be no fewer than twenty."

"Do you remember your old name or the names of your friends?"

"No, I can never remember names."

"From what age do you remember yourself?"

"From thirteen I remember my former life, and here I remember myself since birth, but I do not forget where I came from. We wore special glasses there, and we fought all of the time. On Mars, there was one unpleasant thing: a station which needed to be destroyed. Mars can be revived, but this station prevents that. It is secret. I can draw how it looks; we were near it. This station is against us."

"Boris, why do our space stations [sic] 'die' more often than not when they are landing on Mars?"

"There is a signal coming from Mars, and it tries to kill the stations [sic]. There are harmful rays on these stations." I was amazed about the harmful P h o b o s rays. In 1988, a man from Volzhsk, Yuri Lushnichenko, a man with extrasensory powers, tried to contact the leaders of the Soviet space program to warn them of the imminent failure of their Mars space probes Phobos 1 a n d Phobos 2, particularly because of the rays and radioactive batteries which were alien to the planet. They did not listen to his warnings. They did not feel the need to respond, even today, although in order to succeed, according to  ushnichenko, it is necessary to change tactics when approaching the surface of Mars.

UFOs and Lost Planets

"Do you know about multiple dimensions? You know, to fly you don't need to follow a straight trajectory but can go through multidimensional space?"

I carefully enquired with an out-of-this-world question from the point of view of mainstream science.

Boriska suddenly perked up and began to explain energetically about the construction of UFOs. "We just launched and we were already near the Earth!"

Then he took a piece of chalk and drew something triangular on the blackboard.

"There are six layers," he  enthused. "The outer layer takes 25 per cent of the durable material, the second layer takes 30 per cent and is like rubber, the third takes another 30 per cent and is again metal; four per cent is a layer with magnetic properties." He wrote the figures on the board. "If  you power  the magnetic layer with energy, the apparatus can fly all over the universe."

We adults looked at each other. In which grade do they study percentages? Of course, they had not got to that in school yet, but it seems Boriska is having serious difficulties at school. They put him directly into second grade after assessments, but then they tried to get rid of him. Who, you tell me, would like it when a child suddenly interrupts the teacher to say, "Maria Ivanovna, you're not telling the truth! You aren't teaching us correctly!" And that happens more than once a day.

"What is Boriska's mission on Earth? Does he know it?" I asked both him and his mother.

"He said that he is guessing," said Nadezhda. "He knows something about Earth's future; for example, that knowledge will be distributed according to the quality and the level of consciousness. New knowledge will never come to vicious people with petty vices—thieves, bandits, alcoholics—and also those who aren't willing to change themselves for the better. They will be leaving the planet. He thinks that information will play the most important role. A time of unity and cooperation will begin on Earth."

"Boris, where do you know this from?"

"From inside myself," he answered seriously. Once, when he was five, he amazed his parents when he began talking about Proserpine, a planet which died hundreds of thousands or possibly millions of years ago. And this word, Proserpine, he said without having heard it anywhere else.

"A beam sliced through it, and it fell to pieces," explained Boriska. "Physically the planet no longer exists, but its inhabitants teleported into the fifth dimension, which you are calling a parallel world. We observed the death of the planet from Mars," he clarified.

And suddenly he said the unimaginable. He said that the Earth, as a living conscious being, began to accept the children of Proserpine in order to educate them. Therefore, occasionally children are born here who can remember about their home planet and consider themselves  extraterrestrials.

This is what Boris's mother Nadezhda kept in her journal; it is what Boris once said to her:

"You are a forerunner. You have cleared the platform for us. In the highest spheres, you are considered a hero. You have the heaviest burden on your shoulders. I have come to the New Time. A holographic code is already visible and is superimposed on space. Everything will come to light in a new fire of thought, very quickly... The transition from one world to the other will take place through the substance of Time. I have brought the New Time. I have brought the New Information..."

Boriska's Martian Chronicles

About a year later, I went to Zhirnovsk to meet with Boriska and find out the latest details of his life. Of course, first of all the discussion was with his mother. "I looked in to the room, because I heard Boriska talking to someone, but I knew for sure that he was alone," recalls Nadezhda.

"He was in fact alone, and in front of him was a coloured mosaic made of children's constructor toys, and on it was the double spiral of DNA! I recognised it clearly from my studies at the medical institute.

"And he said to someone, 'I'm the pilot of a research ship, a scientist, but I will never perform the cross-breeding of human and reptile DNA! It contradicts the rules of natural selection.'  A few Latin words followed. I was just stunned; and instead of listening more, I started to shake him. 'What is this? Who are you talking to?' And Boriska suddenly came out of his trance, confused, and muttering 'I'm playing'.

"Yet again, I realised that I don't know my son very well. It's true that when I asked him later, he told me that this information is not for people and that when he lived on Mars they had slightly different branches of DNA—a bit different than the DNA of the Lemurian race.

"But basically I understood that if he remembers the Martian period of his life, then it would be from the point of view of different time periods. That is, it seems that he appeared on Mars numerous times and remembers various episodes of his lives, probably over the course of many thousands of years."

"So you don't think that these are simply childish fantasies?"

"Maybe I would be glad to think that, but it doesn't fit. There's  too much completely  unusual knowledge involved here. There's simply nowhere that he could have got it from. True, I don't think that he remembers his past lives in the same way that we remember the day before. Of course  not. His memory is very fragmented and reveals itself under certain conditions, and it's possible that gradually it will fade. Yes, he can connect to external sources of information and be their transmitter, but ten minutes later he can simply forget this information, like a normal child."

Yet their recordings in the past months are curious recollections by Boriska about serious cataclysms on Mars. For example, he insists that in the last hundreds of thousands or even millions of years, there were serious problems with water. Mars began to lose its atmosphere and water catastrophically. Boriska said that there were special ships going to the nearest planet, Earth, to get water. They looked like cylinders and served as mother ships. He talked a lot about his duties and work in space. The boy does not like American movies about space adventures and wars very much, and says that everything there is skewed and made up.

Once he said that the scientists of Earth would be interested to know that there are not nine planets in our solar system but two more. They are located beyond Pluto.

In his words, Mars used to be closer to Jupiter and the Moon then belonged to Mars. But after a giant cosmic cataclysm, Mars changed its orbit, which is how Earth got its satellite, the Moon. However, Boriska can't remember any details about that period.

One time, while watching a TV show on the Discovery Channel, he began to talk with great enthusiasm about the Grey civilisation—small humanoids with huge eyes.

"They aren't Martians," he said, indicating at the screen. "We aren't like this; we're closer to Lemurians and Atlanteans. First, we're tall, and these are dwarves. Second, the Greys are cruel. They are from another galaxy, and let themselves perform any experiments on people. We even had to fight them, because they are aggressors. Our race was kind, less aggressive and the most intellectual, as we could even use psychic energy." Firing out his words, sometimes stuttering, all said in a short speech, the boy then turned his attention back to his normal games, and the "problem of the Greys", in the words of his mother, hasn't come up again. It seemed to be a flare of memory which may never be repeated.

But if there are to be any new statements about life in space, on Mars or in the solar system, there will be doubts. The boy, in the words of specialists, is "closing up". Most likely, the difficulties of our Earthly reality are causing this to happen—as they do for other Indigo children.

Scientific Interest in Indigo Children

That representatives of science are truly interested in Boriska is an unarguable fact. A doctor of physical-mathematical science, Professor Vladislav Lugovenko, of the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation (IZMIRAN) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, met with Boriska and invited him to Moscow for examination.

Some of Lugovenko's colleagues participated in the examination of the boy. Lugovenko conducts research into Indigo children in Russia and other countries, and considers they have been born on this planet over the past 20 years for a reason.

Apparently these children are connected to the development of a future Earth civilisation.

Boriska and his mother were invited to a special education camp on Atalsky Lake in Tulskaya Province, where there is a spot where the Earth's energy has  a particular effect on people. I have read a scientific report on the measurements of the causal, ethereal, emotional and mental limits of the biofields of the expedition members. I have to say that, first, the boy has a really strong biofield in comparison with the other participants and, second, after the expedition his biofield expanded more so than that of the others.

Photographs of Boriska's aura also tell a lot about him. To quote a document:
"Before the experiment, the prevailing colour in the photo was yellow, which characterises the intellectual strength of a happy, attractive person. In the bottom left corner, a bright red colour can be seen, which can suggest the activity, unselfish love and energy of the boy.

"After the experiment, the photo changed relatively little: in the bottom left corner, a green light appeared. This suggests the life force, positive tendency and friendliness of the boy."

Lugovenko intends to continue the  observations of Boriska, and recently he went  to Zhirnovsk to familiarize himself with Boriska's life in his home. He also went to the anomalous zone on Blue Mountain, which is a few dozen kilometres from Zhirnovsk.

"I am sure that, in the moral sense, Indigo children greatly differ from others their age," relates Dr Lugovenko. "They have an extraordinary sensitivity to any falseness, a development of intuition, telepathic powers and a connection to the cosmos. We can hope that the boy will fulfil his intended mission on Earth, about which neither he nor we can guess yet." "If evil powers don't prevent him," I would add. Perhaps I want to hope that Boriska's troubles will only serve to strengthen him.

Editor's Note:
This article is provided courtesy of Project Camelot and has
been edited for space. The complete version as well as video
footage taken by the Project Camelot team and other material
related to Boriska can be viewed at
A short item about Boriska was published in NEXUS
Twilight Zone, vol. 13, no. 1.

A younger Boriska


We headed to pick up Boriska and his mother from Moscow... with the traffic it took over an hour. When we finally rolled up outside the high rise older apartment building where Boriska is staying they were nowhere in sight. We spent a few minutes in the parking lot when we noticed a gangly youngster peeking around the corners of the building at us... and ducking away when he saw me looking.

He wore a backwards red baseball cap and an impish expression I could see even at a distance. After a moment I realized this must indeed be Boriska... and when his mother appeared she waved us over to meet him. He had run behind the partition and was apparently experiencing a bout of shyness... I quickly went around the corner and stuck my hand out with a smile... telling him in English everything would be ok. He took my hand and smiled sweetly. I knew we would be friends.

Later, during the interview, Boriska exhibited all the signs of a young boy becoming a teenager, reluctant to express more than was absolutely necessary... waving away the details as things he spoke about in his youth, now his mind was on other things. This life had taken a firm hold and no more did his eyes shine with the memories of his past life on Mars or even Lemuria.

In spite of this, his charm and impish personality shone through as he patiently waded through our pragmatic adult questions. His eyes roamed and his imagination searched for more stimulation than provided by this small room with little furniture, crammed with adults and cameras... He squirmed to escape to his video game where he played an Avatar, part cat and part superman... scaling walls and outwitting enemies at every turn.

He was bored with us!! But earnest and polite to a fault.. unusual for a boy of 11. He spoke about the wars that caused the end of the Martian civilization, how they tried to turn Jupiter into a 2nd sun... with what purpose is unclear. He was surprised in the most humble way, to learn that his professor friend, Vladislav Lugovenko, remembered well an incident where Boris tapped into a dangerous event that happened on his way home in the subway. When he arrived home, Boris asked him about the thugs who had approached and threatened him... when the professor had said nothing. "You are a telepath", I told him. "Not yet"... he modestly replied... with a small smile, wise beyond his years, careful and delicate.

When asked what he thought of the humans on this planet he sighed quietly then said he "did not like to speak bad about people".

The understatement said it all. What must he really be seeing through those wonderfully clear eyes? This is not so much an interview as an exploration of the place and time that this 11 year old boy finds himself in, with some surprise. He talks of the future waters coming to inundate Moscow,  matter-of-factly... Will he survive? Will his mother? He shrugs... survival is not so important, he seems to be saying. Life is what matters. Living in the moment... fully and completely awake.. this is what matters when you are an eternal being. -- Kerry Lynn Cassidy

Are We Alone? - Love from Venus

We are all familiar with the notion of contactees, people who’ve encountered benevolent aliens with a message to spread on Earth about the dangers of our self-destructive ways, our nukes and our impending doom through the misuse of our planet’s environment.

There is another form of alien contact that has so far been ignored or, if it has been acknowledged, ridiculed to the point of absurdity: the claim made by some very human-looking individuals that they are themselves aliens from another planet here to bring a message of love and hope.

One such person is Vivenus. A simple person, Vivenus traveled simply from town to town with acoustic guitar in hand, playing  wherever a group would gather to hear her message.

Vivenus introduces herself and her book thusly:

“Dear Friend in Light, as you read this, let the light grow brighter within you.

            "Please understand that what I shall share here I must translate into the Earth tongue. I
must – against the natural grain of me – name and label and classify in words the life I lived at home. I must seem to bottle and confine beauty as though it could be [so contained.] It is a strange task, and I pray I can achieve it.

            “We are free at home – not stopped by the policemen of words. We do not name beauty, but become one with it. And we do not question joy, but just enjoy it.

            “We have not ‘time.’ We live in the eternal Now, so it will be difficult to pinpoint events and memories and celebrations. But divine love will give to me what I need, if you will keep in your mind all along these pages that Venus is a wordless world, a silent world. When we communicate at home, it is not by sound but by feeling. And if memory restores some ‘conversations’ in this writing, understand it was not actually in words but in feeling that I must put into words.

            “I shall describe scenery, places, souls and moments in my Venusian life, and it will surprise me if I can do it, because at home I never had to put into words what was in my heart. What we do at home is flow in feelings, which turns into a state of being called love.

            “The ‘things’ on Venus are not really ‘things’ as they seem to be on Earth. We make what we make, for the most part, with our minds. No sounds of hammers pounding nails. We envision our house, and the house is there. We can envision its being built ‘brick by brick’ or we can see it all at once, perfect and complete.

            “My name is Viv. Full name is Vivenus. This is my soul name, the one I was given for my mission on Earth. And I was given this name on the planet Venus where I was born.

            “I cannot prove my origin. I cannot prove that what I share with you is true about my heavenly home. I cannot even prove that I exist at all. Perhaps I am but a figment of your imagination. What is proof is an illusion of the mind. What is faith is of the heart, and thus is real. If I do exist, then I am from Venus. I have no credentials, but one: my heart that does not stop loving you, oh, child of Earth.

            “Before I came to the Earth plane, when I was at home on Venus, I had a vision of all of you. I felt that the Earth would welcome – if not me – then the truths I would discover to help them find the peace and inner contentment, independent of what happens on the outside. But now I know my vision was a mirage. The Earth seems satisfied to resign itself to depression, despair, and dead ends. Does this planet Earth need me from Venus? Did it ever need me? I still don’t know.”   

There is a kind of poetry contained within the heartfelt prose of Vivenus, and she also offers snatches of lyrics and short poems throughout the text. The narrative of her life is written in a book called : Vivenus: Starchild;  begins with her childhood on Venus, a place where, as she has explained, no one uses language to communicate and where one simply wills things to appear. For instance, if a Venusian wanted to make a painting, they would conjure a canvas out of nothing and then mentally transfer the image from their mind onto the canvas and voila, there is the painting.

            But the most important aspect of life on Venus is love. Feelings are the only true reality, and the mind and its use of language to describe the world simply isn’t needed. That depth of feeling is what Vivenus hopes to impart to Earth, whose people suffer from a collective depression sent by enemy forces of darkness that lurk in our skies ever ready to amplify the pain we have largely brought on ourselves.

            Why don’t we see life on Venus? Why do we think of it as a dead planet, too hot to harbor physical life of any kind? Vivenus answers that the Venusians vibrate at a level too high for our naked eyes or optical instruments to see. They are so advanced spiritually that they are basically invisible to us.

            Vivenus attends something like a college on Venus to prepare herself for her missionary journey to Earth. Her older brothers fly her to Earth in a flying saucer, what Venusians call a “swoop,” named for its swooping motion as it travels. She is given a fleshly covering that is identical to a young American woman who has recently taken her own life because of her failure to succeed as a singer of love songs. Vivenus slips into her role so perfectly that even the relatives of the young woman she replaces can’t tell the difference. It’s a variation of the “walk-in” motif that has been kicked around the past several decades, in which an alien chooses to enter the body of an everyday mortal and work through that person to create positive change in the world.

            After teaching herself to play guitar well enough to accompany her singing, Vivenus composes songs of love that embody the doctrine that the heart is all there is and that perfect love is available outside the confines of human language to those who seek it  in purity and compassion. She may be a little whacky to some, but one must admit her intentions are good. But all does not go well for Vivenus. After spending some time on Earth, she begins to fall prey to the same hardships as we Earthlings.

            “The more I tried,” she writes, “the more I failed. The more I cared, the more indifference was shown to me. I found out what a lie was and what deception is. And I began hurting inside just as the girl before me. My determination to sing for the world turned into desperation. My struggles to stay afloat and keep a shelter angered my soul, for this struggle to survive on Earth was intruding on my mission.”

            She learns to fear and to mistrust, and becomes familiar with the pain that comes from being rejected by friends. But she overcomes her depression by being reminded of her mission and being “shown” the plan for her future. She decides to reveal her true identity as a Venuisan and begins to speak publicly to large crowds, starting in New York and moving westward. She writes down her feelings in a series of books, and holds weekly meetings for those interested in her story as well as publishing a twelve-page journal called “Feelings.”

            Vivenus concludes by saying that when she began her mission, she hoped to reach everyone on Earth with her teachings about perfect love, but as it turned out, she was able to share it only with a few people. There still exist news clippings of her 1980 campaign to have God listed as a write-in candidate for president in the race between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. Some of the local election boards, including the one in Oakland, California, stated that that was fine, as long as God was at least thirty-five years of age and born on American soil. Vivenus had even written a campaign song for God’s candidacy called “It’s Not Odd To Vote For God.”

            Timothy Green Beckley, the publisher of “Vivenus: Starchild,” said he long ago lost contact with Vivenus and doesn’t know if she’s alive and well or if she even remembers her life touring the country on a mission from the universe. We can only wish her well somewhere “out there.”

Extracts - Sean Casteel